Monster character design - Preppy style characters

In this task I was given the brief to create a character design for 8 monsters in a 'preppy' style. The first thing that I did for the task was to research as to what 'preppy' was. I created a 'preppy' influence map that consisted of relevant images and then thought about the different shapes that I could use to create the faces and bodies of the monsters. 

From my 8 loose geometric thumbnails I selected 3 that I believe that I could define further. I selected thumbnail 1 because the male character seemed fairly human like with how he holds his arms while he is standing and the way in which he stands. I also found how I dressed him to be quite interesting. For my second developed thumbnail I selected thumbnail 5 due to its contrast of proportions in the character's upper body and legs. I also liked how I created another set of arms underneath the character's original set making them seem hidden. In the original design I also placed an eye within an eye to also hide the feature like I had done previously with the character's arms. I selected thumbnail 6 as my third thumbnail design due to the characters arms, face shape and size. 

For my final A3 sketch I selected thumbnail number 5. I believed that thumbnail number 5 was a more interesting character proportion wise due to the difference in length between the character's legs and the character's upper body. I also believe that by improving the character's hair and going more into detail with the character's clothing gives the character a more realistic feel. The character also fits into the design brief as it is wearing female 'preppy' clothing.


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