Lesson 04 - Animation - Adobe Animate
In this session we continued to look at the movement of circular characters in motion and how another object attached to the character could also be effected by its movement.
The first character I created was a hedgehog. I focused on the hedgehog's spikes and how they would move while the hedgehog hits the floor and spins around. As the hedgehog is a living creature it means that it squashes when it hits the surface and stretches when it bounces back.
The second animation I created was of a tassel attached to a ball. Just like the first example, the ball also squashes when it hit the ground due to the material it is made from. As the tassel is a separate object to the ball and is only attached by one point, the tassel is able to move in different directions as it is pulled by the primary object which is the ball.
For my final character I created a rabbit with floppy ears. The character is living so it still follows the same squash style when it hits the surface, and, like the tassel attached to the ball, the rabbit's ears are attached to the main body of the rabbit but have their own movement due to the weight of the ears and the fact that they are attached to the rabbit's body.
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