'What if?' Metropolis - Glass colouring research

In order for the city of 'Lalo' to be easier to understand, I have researched into glass colouring and how this would relate to the construction of the city's buildings.

In this part of my research I have looked into the different natural components that are used when colouring glass. I found that copper components can create red, green and blue coloured glass, carbon oxides can give glass an amber or brown colour and lead components create a yellow colour. 

I then looked into what everyday items are found to have copper components, carbon oxides and lead components in them. From this I then found that most of the objects can be recycled and therefore found at recycling centres. This links to the travelogue that I created for 'Lalo' as the inhabitants travel to a bottle bank in order to find glass and most bottle banks are in recycling centres. 

I then looked into how glass can be coloured. I realised that certain aspects such as the Acetone would unable to be found by 'Lalo's' inhabitants at a recycling centre.

I then decided to look at all of the research I had collected and wanted to show how it related to my city.  


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