'What if?' Metropolis - Thumbnails 91 - 108 and reference silhouettes 

Here is a reference for organic shapes that I created in Photoshop. Working in this way has allowed for me to be productive and create new building shapes at a quicker rate with a variety of different outcomes.

Here are my 91 - 108 thumbnails. I believe that working with silhouettes as enabled me to create more organically shaped buildings. 


  1. Great stuff, Tia - so I think you should try using a few more methods now - so maybe think about combining some of your more complex shapes into new forms - so consider thinking about making 'tower' style silhouettes by stacking your shapes one on top of the other in a sort of 'lego brick' way - and also thinking about building more symmetrical versions - so in Photoshop under 'edit' go down to 'transform' and use all the options there to flip, rotate and skew duplicates of your shapes to create some more elaborate/mirrored versions. Then - when you've got another nice set of shapes, start creating thumbnails in which you layer up your 'building' silhouettes into landscape thumbnails as you've done with Jordan in class a while back - using good range of tonal values to create foreground, midground, background layerings of your assets until you start to 'feel' your cityscape appear. When you've got some compositions you're excited about, you can then start to working into those silhouettes in regard to getting the colour back in :) Onwards, Tia - some good stuff is getting started here!


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