Character design - Lesson 2

For the first half of the lesson we were taught about how the shaping and spacing of a character can cause for them to be perceived differently by an audience. We were then given a group of characters to design, looking at their shaping and how that effects the character overall. 

The group that I was given was 'Space Trooper'. I created a collection of  character drawings. 

Below are some of the drawings that I then proceeded to design further:


Here are the developed drawings:

I also created a new character based on a different character.

Once we had completed that exercise, we then moved onto looking at character silhouettes and how if a character has a detailed and interesting silhouette, then the character will be interesting.

I was given the group 'Medieval Gothic' and I created two silhouettes:

Here is a silhouette of a dark priest that I created. I was told that in order to make the silhouette and therefore the character more interesting I would have to add more details to the outside of the character and enhance texture.

Here is the second silhouette that I created. Although it is not complete, I like how I have using the shaping of the character to make him seem strong. This is due to the bulky armor.
