From script to screen - Step Outline

I am struggling with the step outline but this is what I have so far:

Italics - Sound
Normal text - Camera movements


Hugo Brantly - Surgeon who likes to steal pieces of his patient's brain
Lewis Drager - Doctor who thinks Drager is up to something and is trying to stop him while in surgery 
Patient - Being operated on


Surgery room - Where the operation is taking place
Hospital corridor - Where Drager jogs down while opening doors, trying to find Brantly


Brain - working like a battery inside the body, Brantly needs pieces of the brain 



Scene opens with camera at floor level filming a hospital door opening and Drager's foot exiting the door (towards the camera)

Close-up tracking shot (camera looking up) following Drager opening (double) hospital doors looking for Brantly

Heart beat 

Camera then switches to the surgery room - Medium long shot of Brantly putting on medical gloves 

Heart beat

Close- up tracking shot (camera looking up) following Drager opening (double) hospital doors still looking for Brantly

Heart beat

Camera switches back to the surgery room - Camera is placed over the top of the patient's head looking at Brantly making an incision in the patient's head/skull

Close-up shot of Brantly's knife making an incision 

Heart beat

Camera switches back to Drager looking into windows in the corridor while running.

Drager then notices that he recognises somebody in one of the windows, who he believes is Brantly - Camera is facing the window and remains looking at the window while moving to the right

Drager then skids trying to turn back - Camera shows a long shot through a window in one of the double doors of Dager skidding and turning back.

Heart beat

Camera placed on patient's head looking up at Brantly's face

Heart beat

Camera then moves to over the shoulder shot on Drager, looking out at Brantly arched over his patient

Heart beat

Camera close up on Drager's face

Heart beat

Extreme close up on Drager's eyes

Scene fades - End of scene


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