From script to screen - Thumbnails for characters, props and location

Here are my developmental thumbnail sketches for my story's characters, props and location.

Here are my developmental character thumbnails for the evil brain surgeon, Dr. Hugo Brantly:

Dr. Hugo Brantly developmental thumbnails

Here are my developmental thumbnails of an octopus sidekick for Dr. Brantly. After considering how realistic an octopus sidekick would be, I then moved on to creating a cat sidekick for Dr. Brantly named Dexter.

Octopus sidekick developmental thumbnails

Dexter (Dr. Brantly's sidekick) developmental thumbnails

Here are the thumbnails for the props that will be used within my story.

Here are the location developmental thumbnails for my story. There are thumbnails for:
  • The hospital corridor
  • The hospital lift
  • The hospital basement
  • The hospital basement room


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