From script to screen - Reflective statement

For this project we were given the brief to create an animatic and pre-viz from the three components that we were to be given at the start of the project. My three components were pirate (for the character), hospital (for the location) and battery (as the object).

One of the first problems that I encountered at the beginning of the project was that I was thinking too originally with the story ideas that I was presenting to Phil. For example one of my ideas was to have a surgeon who was dressed in a pirate fancy dress costume operating on a patient in order to give the patient a new pacemaker battery. Phil then said in my first OGR that I needed to go into depth with what each component could mean, for example, looking at different objects that could be seen as a battery, which has now helped me look at things differently for future projects. Another issue that I had faced was time management. At the start of the project I believed that I had done a suitable amount of work at each stage and due to that I would be ready in time for the project's final crit. I turns out that I had been wrong and I had not considered the different things that could go wrong, such as issues when creating the pre-viz. Since completing the project I have also noted down that I should look further into how long each section of the project may take and ensure that I do the work when I have time rather than waiting until I think it should be completed. 

I have also enjoyed this project and I do believe that I have found different aspects of this project successful. I enjoyed being able to create a pre-viz and being able to program different elements to move and then come together to create a final product. I also enjoyed being able to design the characters, location and props as well as editing all of the shots in Premier Pro to create the pre-viz itself.
