Fantastic Voyage - Short reflective statement
First year Starting this course last September was a big step for me, transitioning from secondary school straight to university. I would have never have thought that a year into the course I would have studied life drawing, contexts, film, 2D and 3D animation, character design and Maya as well as looked into and worked with a variety of different computer programs to produce the work that I now have. Although it was a big step for me to take and at first and I was worried and stressed with the workload I had, I believe that it was the best option that I could have chose. I love every second of the time I spend on the course and enjoy learning from both the lectures and friends. Fantastic Voyage - Project For this project we were given a brief by our client Claire Saunders to select one of three scenarios that were related to secondary school science. We were then told to create a three minute animation on the subject that could be used as a revision resource in schools. O...