Fantastic Voyage - Short reflective statement

First year

Starting this course last September was a big step for me, transitioning from secondary school straight to university. I would have never have thought that a year into the course I would have studied life drawing, contexts, film, 2D and 3D animation, character design and Maya as well as looked into and worked with a variety of different computer programs to produce the work that I now have. Although it was a big step for me to take and at first and I was worried and stressed with the workload I had, I believe that it was the best option that I could have chose. I love every second of the time I spend on the course and enjoy learning from both the lectures and friends.

Fantastic Voyage - Project

For this project we were given a brief by our client Claire Saunders to select one of three scenarios that were related to secondary school science. We were then told to create a three minute animation on the subject that could be used as a revision resource in schools.

One challenge that I encountered while creating the animation was technical difficulties with Maya and the render farm Conductor. After following step-by-step instructions I still encountered problems which caused tasks to take longer to complete and in turn made me more stressed about the project and the deadline. This also resulted in my animation turning out not as I hoped. 

I believed that aspects such as my design influences were successful in the animation as it maintained a consistency throughout. I could also see very similar features between my animation and my design influence which was 'Dumb Ways to Die'. I believe that one of my biggest accomplishments was being able to rig my characters correctly. Although it was time consuming, it was work it as they all worked correctly while I was animating.

Although I have had my ups and downs in this project I have enjoyed being able to design, direct, edit and produce my animation. This is as it allows me to understand the different stages of animation and how the different parts of it are created.


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