Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (2004) - Non-linear storytelling

Figure 1. Movie poster (2004)

Non-linear methods:

Chronicle (Linear storytelling) - The film starts off with a non-linear storytelling method. This is as the audience are unaware as to where they are, who the characters are and what they are doing. The scenes also change suddenly and time shifts backwards and forwards. The story then becomes linear once Joel starts to get his memories of Clementine removed. This is as he is in a dream state trying to stop his memories of her from leaving him. 

Figure 2. Joel and Clementine meeting

Retrograde (Events in reverse order) - This is shown throughout the movie without the audience realising until they are nearing the end of the film. At the start of the film the audience understand that Joel and Clementine have only just met and that Joel and Clementine's feelings towards each other grow, but towards the end of the film it is made clear that not only did Clementine and Joel know each other previously, they were also together in a relationship. The audience are then shown that they both had their memories of each other wiped and that is why, at the beginning of the film, they both click instantly.

Zigzag (Jumping between events (same period)) - The zigzag period is shown in the film during the process of Joel having his memories of Clementine erased. This is as Joel goes through all different memories throughout his life with Clementine and previously in order to hide his last memory of her so it is unable to be erased. While this is happening throughout the film, cuts of what is happening in reality are also shown. This is when Stan, Patrick, Mary and Dr. Howard Mierzwiak are struggling to try and remove the memories. 

Figure 3. Joel having his memory wiped flashbacks

Analepsis (Flashbacks) - The film has a lot of flashbacks throughout the film. The main scenes that include the flashbacks are while Joel's memories are being wiped and scenes of Joel and Clementine together are shown, and when the last of his memories of Clementine are starting to fade. In this part of the film, the scenes are given a red filter. 

Prolepsis (Flash-forwards) - In the film there is shown to be a flash forward. This is after we are introduced to the characters. An example of a flash forward is when Joel first drives with Clementine in his car and the car is shown to be damaged without a reason. This is then explained showing that Clementine drove the car drunk and damage the car while parking it. 

Figure 4. Mary and Dr. Mierzwaik

Syllepsis (Thematic groups connecting narrative) - There are three different plots throughout the film. The main plot is showing how Joel has a relationship with Clementine and that they have both had their memories wiped. Another is that Patrick (one of the memory erasers) found that Clementine was 'hot' while he was erasing her memory so in order for him to become closer to her he used both her and Joel's memories to work out what she liked and what made her happy. The third plot shows that Mary is in a new relationship with Stan (a memory eraser) and that she begins to fancy Dr. Howard Mierzwaik. Mary is then told that she had previously had an affair with Dr. Mierzwaik and that is why she has had her memories of him erased. After she is told this, Mary quits her job, leaves Stan and sends out all of the files relating to previous patients at the client. This then results in Joel and Clementine realising that they once knew each other and were in a relationship.

Story telling devices:

Flashbacks and flash-forwards - Flashbacks and flash-forwards are shown throughout the film to help the audience distinguish what is 'real' and what is in Joel's memories.

Figure 5. Clementine and Patrick together

- The twist in the film is that the audience do not know that Joel and Clementine have met before and have previously been in a relationship. Another twist is that the audience do also not know that Mary and Dr. Howard Mierzwaik have had an affair previously and that Mary had had her brain wiped. Another twist is that Patrick had used Joel's belongings and memories of Clementine to find out what she likes and how he would be able to date her. 

Framing - Framing is used in the film to switch from a non-linear film to a linear film.

Figure 6. Faces deforming 

Worlds and characters - The world shown at the start of the film seems very realistic. Once the audience are shown the world in Joel's mind the scenes start to become unrealistic, for example, a car falls from the sky and characters faces become deformed. 


Figure 1. (2004) Movie poster.

Figure 2. Joel and Clementine meeting.

Figure 3. Joel having his memory wiped flashbacks.

Figure 4. Mary and Dr. Mierzwaik.

Figure 5. Clementine and Patrick together.

Figure 6. Faces deforming. 


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