Character design - Lesson 5 - Facial expressions

For the first half of the lesson we looked at character's facial expressions and how they can help to portray emotions. Each of us were given a hybrid of two emotions that we were told to try and draw. I was given sadness and fear and created a story about a character feeling sadness and fear about his friend who has just died and turned into a zombie. Justin liked my idea but believed I needed to look more at the character's eyebrows, eyes and posture to make the character seem more frightened.

For the second part of the lesson we were given an object and told to create a face from the object and show the character's emotion. I was given a dashboard. I created the character's eyes using some of the air vents in the car and looked at creating the character's mouth through the radio. Justin liked my idea and suggested focusing on different parts of the dashboard as well.

Below are some expressions that I created for my characters in my character design project.


Sheriff B-Tell:


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