Life drawing - Lesson 4

For the first exercise we were given 1 minute to draw each of the poses. I created these drawings using a graphite stick.

For the second exercise we were given 5 minutes to draw. Here I used a graphite stick. I like this drawing because I think that the body is drawn to the correct proportions. 

With the third drawing we were given 10 minutes to complete it. Here I used a biro. I like this drawing because it looks realistic and I like the style.

In the fourth, fifth and sixth drawing we were given 20 minutes to complete each of them. I continued to use biro in all of the drawings because I liked the effect that I was creating. I believe that in some of the drawings my proportions are incorrect but I still like how realistic the model's face and the textures on the materials look.


  1. Nice drawings! I like the one where Dan's sitting (3rd sheet down) and the last one where he's holding the brush :) Keep experimenting with biro and ink- as you can get some nice effects using them! Maybe also consider using indian inks/markers, to block out the surrounding environment and help ground your drawings?

  2. Thank you Rachael! Sorry I've only just seen your comment! Thank you, I'll definitely try using the Indian inks and markers they sound really interesting :)


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