Perspectives - Postmodernism key terms 5

  1. The canon -  text that is accepted as superior to or more significant than other texts within the same field
  2. DWEMs (Dead White European Males) - a writer, philosopher, or other significant figure whose importance and talents may have been exaggerated by virtue of his belonging to a historically dominant gender and ethnic group
  3. Phallocentrism - concentrates on the idea that masculinity is the central focus and source of power and authority. Because of this, all male interests and needs are exalted while females are made subservient to male desires.
  4. Eurocentrism - Eurocentrism (also Eurocentricity or Western-centrism) is a worldview centered on or biased towards Western civilization. The exact scope of centrism varies from the entire Western world to only Europe or even just Western Europe (especially during the Cold War)
  5. Postcolonialism - (or postcolonial) studies is the academic study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands
  6. Multiculturalism - the presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society
  7. Feminism - the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes


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