Funny Games US (2007) - Postmodernism

Figure 1. Movie poster (2007)

Breaking the 4th wall - Throughout the film there are multiple points where the main characters 'break the 4th wall' by speaking to the camera and looking at the camera. 

Diegetic sounds - Unlike typical horror films, Funny Games only uses diegetic sounds throughout the movie to create panic and worry. Non-diegetic sounds such as music are not used. 

Figure 2. George Junior's death

Aestheticization of violence - In the film the family's Son, George Junior, is shot in the head with a shot gun. Although the death isn't shown in the film, blood is shown splattered across the TV, which was is next to George Junior, implying that the death was violent and fast. After the death, a pool of blood is shown to quickly expand from beneath his corpse.

Funny Games (2007)
Figure 3. Son death scene 

Realistic timings
- Once George Junior has been murdered the film's story almost begins to slow down, this is as it shows both parent's and how they react in real time just like how two parents that have just seen their son murdered would feel. 

Repetitive story line - The film starts with the two teenage boys knocking on the family's door asking whether it is possible to have some eggs as their Aunt needs them to cook, the story then unfolds, showing that the teenage boys are both psychopathic, and each of the family members die. The boys then arrive at a house across the lake from the now murdered family and then ask their new unsuspecting victim whether they can have eggs. This shows that the story is likely to keep repeating itself and will not come to an end. 


Figure 1. (2007) Movie poster.

Figure 2. (2007) George Junior's death.

Figure 3. (2007) Son death scene.


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