
Showing posts from December, 2018

Collaboration - Animatics

Here is our original animatic and final animatic. Both animatics were created using the camera angles and character directions from the script that I had written. Original animatic: Final animatic:

Collaboration - Reflective statement

Collaboration For this project we were give the brief to respond to the statement 'When not to....' We were told that for the final submission we would need to create a play blasted animation that had to be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes long and that we also had to use the 3D pre-made Moom rigs as our characters. After brainstorming many ideas, we came up with a 'When not to.... Interfere' idea which is what we based our final animation on.  I believe that one of the first problems that me and my group encountered was when we first started the project and that was the story line for the animation. We had come up with multiple ideas, which each of us were happy to create, but after speaking to Alan, we were told to look at the different ways that comedy could be portrayed. After a few more of our ideas being pitched to Alan and a variety of research, we were finally successful with an animation that we all believed was possible to create and was still comical. O...

Collaboration - Crit presentation

Collaboration - When not to interfere - Art of

Collaboration - When not to interfere - Final animation


Lecture and film programme film list

Here is a list of the films that I have reviewed for Alan's Lecture and film programme: StarWars - The Empire Strikes Back A Knight's Tale - A Hero's Journey Spiderman Homecoming - Archetypes The Impossible - Three Act Structure Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind - Non-linear The Dark Knight - Character Review King Kong Vs Godzilla - B. Movie Film  Mad Max Fury Road - Exploitation

Collaboration - Animating and lip syncing

In order to help with animating the singer singing, Nelly suggested looking at ' The Magic flute - Queen of the night Aria' for reference. I used footage for 34 - 44 seconds into the clip to help with animating how the Singer's mouth, eyebrows, eyes and cheeks would move as she sang higher and louder notes. The link for the video is shown below: Shown below are the clips of the animating that I have done for the Singer character. There is the edited version, which shows how the animation looked before it had been sped up and colours had been changed, as well as an edited version, which shows all of the effects used to make the final animation. Unedited animation: Edited animation:

Collaboration - 3D models

3D models: Scroll Act sign, hook and rope Singer's earrings Singer's ring Singer's eyelashes The bottom part of the Singer's dress The singer's hair

Collaboration - UV's and textures

Scroll: Scroll ends UV Scroll ends texture Main scroll UV Main scroll texture Sign: Rope UV Rope texture Hook UV For the hook texture a grey blinn was used Sign UV Sign texture Duck cane UV Duck cane texture Character UV's and texture: Singer skin UV Singer's skin texture Bottom of singer's dress UV For the colour of the bottom part of the singer's dress, a lambert was used that matched the colour of the top part of the singer's dress .

Collaboration - Concept art


Collaboration - Prop thumbnails

Realistic skull designs: Moom skull designs: Duck cane, rope and hook, sign and pulley system designs: Scroll design: Light switch designs:

Collaboration - Production art

Cane Sign Hook and rope Light switch Skull Scroll Gymnast ribbon Mime hat

Collaboration - Orthographs

Scroll Sign Sign - hook Singer - dress Singer - hair

Collaboration - CG Pipeline

Props: Scroll Sign Character: Singer - earrings Singer - ring Singer - eyelashes Singer - dress Singer - hair