Premise - Character design - Diabetes monster

After speaking to Alan and Phil about what I had written as a rough script I was told to look at trying to personify diabetes as a character. I came up with some rough sketches which are shown below. I decided that I would look at the pancreas as a starting point as that is the organ that fails to work correctly in diabetics. I tried to incorporate the pancreas as a mouth in different characters.

I then spoke to Alan who suggested looking at the shaping of the character and looking at how to personify diabetes more but drawing it as I believe to see it. I started off sketching basic shapes to see whether I could come up with any ideas.

I then did a bit of research into diabetes monsters and found these two examples. Alan said to also consider how the monster would be attached to my character. Looking at these examples helped me to see how other people felt about having diabetes and I also related to the same 'ball and chain' feeling.
Image result for diabetes monster
                               Image result for diabetes monster

While researching images it made me think more about how I feel as a Type 1 Diabetic. Sometimes I feel as though I can cope with having it and other times I feel as though it is a pain and I wish I didn't have it. This led me to drawing more designs for my character.




While drawing I found the more circular drawing of the monster, shown above, more interesting and more appealing to me. From there I continued to draw the character and how I could express his different emotions. I also considered the colouring of the monster and I found a lighter blue more relatable. 


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