Premise - Character design further research

Disney flour sack research:

After speaking to Alan today I was advised to look at the Disney flour sack character to help with designing and animating my Diabetes monster. 

I find this concept easy to understand. It shows that even simple shapes can be animated and given character. While speaking to Alan we also discussed how small details can help suggest the character's personality. 

Design influence research:

Alan and I also spoke about how my animation would be designed. We spoke about my own style of artwork which I believe is similar to the Adventure Time and the animation design from Pictoplasma. Pictoplasma is an academy where talented students are able to attend to learn character design work. Each of the character designs are individual, meaning that they are very random. There is also a website called Pictfolio which allows for artists to display their contemporary character design work, some of which are detailed or graphically designed. 

Image result for pictoplasma
Pictoplasma Conference 2015

Pictfolio Website

Texture and colour:

We then spoke about texture and how the monster could be textured to help represent how I view diabetes. We spoke about perhaps having the character textured to look as though it has sugar granules on it, this is as diabetes does revolve around blood glucose levels (sugar). We then spoke about the monster looking like a sugar cube or a bag full of sugar cubes which linked to the Disney flour sack. I also spoke about having it so that the colour of the character changes when my character's blood glucose levels are high or low. I like the idea of the monster being blue when my blood glucose levels are low and then red when they are high. This is as these are the colour which I believe represent the way that I feel when I feel high and low. I also like the idea of the colour fading to help suggest feelings and to give the character more personality, as shown below:

I will now look into mixing my previous character design for my Diabetes monster with the Disney flour sack character design to see what my character begins to look like. I do believe that mixing the designs will help with being able to show more emotion in the monster.


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