Premise - Character design research - Inside out
After speaking about my character design with Alan, I was told to look at Inside Out and how they designed the shape of their characters around certain objects. In the film the character Riley is disgusted by broccoli which is one reason as to why Disgust (the emotion inside her head) is shaped similarly to a piece of broccoli. I was advised to look into this as a bit of research to help with my own character design which helped me stubble upon this by a blogger who attended a Disney Inside Out talk in 2015:
'The emotions were actually molded after things that sort of represented their feeling. So, for example, Disgust pretty much looks like broccoli.....Anger looks like a brick and Sadness looks like a teardrop. ...Joy looks a little different than the other emotions. She has a huge glow to her. She’s also a bit more complex. As you can see, every other emotion is pretty much all the same color – except for Joy. Joy’s hair is blue, her aura is blue, but her skin is yellow. She’s the only one that is multi-dimensional like that. It’s a visual way to depict that there is more to her than just Joy. She’s special...' (Sweeny, 2015)
I think from the images above it is fairly noticeable that
both Disgust and Broccoli look similar. Both of them are slimmer towards the
bottom and then having bigger heads at the top and they're also both green.
From this I will look into things that I don't like about diabetes
and see as to whether I could maybe shape the diabetes monster based on that. I
will also look into the texturing of the monster as Alan suggested, as an idea,
that I could look like crystallised sugar, just like a sugar cube, which I
believe would be quite interesting.

Sweeny, V. (2015). DISGUST IS SHAPED LIKE BROCCOLI AND OTHER FUN FACTS ABOUT INSIDE OUT #INSIDEOUTEVENT. [Blog] Vera Sweeny - Lady and the blog. Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2019].
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