Figure 1. Movie poster Fantastic Mr. Fox is a stop frame animation film created by Wes Anderson. It is a story about Mr. Fox's life with his wife, son and nephew as they try to escape the clutches of Bogis, Bunce and Bean, the evil farmers that are trying to kill Mr. Fox after he has been stealing all of their stock. Due to this, Mr. Fox, his family and their woodland friends lose their homes and have to fight back against Bogis, Bunce and Bean in order to get their homes back. Wes Anderson is well known, with some of his most famous films being The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) and Isle of Dogs (2018). Anderson is also said to have a 'recognisable' style, ' Anderson's films continually coincide with a very specific color pattern used throughout the film' . (, n.d.) Figure 2. Line of symmetry Another, lesser known trade mark of Anderson, is his attention to symmetry within his shots. Through Fantastic Mr. Fox symmetry is...