Premise - Final character design - Diabetes monster

For my Diabetes monster I came up with three different character designs. Thumbnail 1 show the character with long legs, thumbnail 2 shows the character with very short legs and thumbnail 3 shows him with medium length legs.

I have been told that the stronger designs are thumbnails 1 and 3. This resulted in me selecting thumbnail 1 as my final design. Now I have officially chosen the design for the character, I will now look into how colour will play a part in showing his mood and character. I will also look at showing the texture on his outfit as sugar crystals which will increase in quantity the higher his blood sugar becomes and lower the lower it becomes. I will then also show his change in blood sugar through the gauge shown on the front of his outfit. 

Alan also suggested that as I have nicknamed my character 'Betes' he could also have a 'Tinkerbell like' companion called Dia who floats about above or beside him, causing mischief. 


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