Premise - Prop design - Diabetes equipment

At the start of the animation I will roughly outline what diabetes is and further on in the animation it will show my character injecting and testing her blood sugar. Below are designs of my diabetes equipment, some of the thumbnails are realistic whereas others are simplified. Thumbnails 1,2 and 3 are my insulin pens that I use to inject my insulin into me. Thumbnails 4 and 5 are needles for those insulin pens. Number 6 and 9 and the parts I use to inject myself to test my blood glucose levels. Number 7, 8 and 10 are the machines used to specify why my blood glucose levels are and number 11 is the pot with my blood testing glucose sticks which I apply the blood to. 


  1. could they be more cartoon-y to fit with the character?

    1. Hi Tom,
      Yes I was considering that, I will look into simplifying them to make them fit in more with the cartoon world.


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