Kill Bill (2001) - Postmodernism
Figure 1. Kill Bill Movie Poster (2003) Written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill (2003) is a crime and mystery film that is iconic for it's postmodern film design due to the use of many different film types combining together to create the film. 1. Intertextuality - Kill Bill is created using film conventions from many different films. This is shown through Tarantino's use of Japanese style fighting scenes and mystery. Figure 2. Fight scene 2. Non-linear narrative - There is a strong use of non-linear narrative through the film, meaning that the film's story line and narrative are disjointed. This is shown in the film with flash backs, for example, when 'The Bride' (Uma Thurman) see's Vernita Green (Vivica. A. Fox) and the siren sounds. Figure 3. Flash back 3. Challenging gender stereotypes - The main character in action films are usually muscular men with a woman as either their lo...
Hi Tia. Nice to see you modelling. However, before you go too far...
ReplyDeleteI'm not seeing any 'style' in your models. They are a one for one translation - "I need a table, here is a table". What you need is a 'design filter' to pass that thought through - "I need a table - in this universe it will need to be designed based upon these rules - here is a table". For example, a table in a Simpson cartoon is different to a table in a Star Trek universe. That is not because one is a cartoon and the other live action, its because the creators have spent a long time 'world building' and deciding what the design rules are. Hope that makes sense.
Hi Alan,
DeleteYes I understand what you mean, I will try to work on a design influence. With the Diabetes equipment designs, I was considering creating the objects to look more realistic as I feel like they are a bigger, more controlling part of my life. Is there any advice you could give me? Would it be better to do the Diabetes equipment in the same style?
Thank you
Well, to be honest, your are neither at the moment. They are not detailed and accurate enough to be real and they don't have art direction / style to be something stylistic (eg. Cartoon). So you've fallen into a neither/nor place. So, if you want to real (and that could make sense) you need to 'up your game' around modelling. I guess what I an saying is that you are making models at the moment which as more of imagined/best guess instead of the actual thing. If you have those items you should take photos and make orthograph's to work from. If you want to go down the style path then you should draw/design each object so the style logic matches you character. He is an indication of rules, simplified shapes, bold light weight, bright colours, wobbly lines, etc. Hope that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteCorrection - Well, to be honest, your 'models' are neither at the moment
ReplyDeleteTia, I have sent an email to your UCA email.