Little Monster - Script update

Over summer break I have spent my time looking into the script for 'Little Monster' and how I could adapt it, from the help given to me by Phil and Alan, to make it better. 

Below is the update script (new parts to the script are in orange): 

The camera fades in to show an empty space, it is well lit and the walls and floor shown are white.

Little monster runs into scene. He is shouting and starts stomping. 

Voiceover: (sigh) ‘Hello again. What do you want?’

Little monster begins to jump up and down. After a few seconds it then starts to become tired and then suddenly falls asleep on the floor.

Voiceover: ‘Thats my diabetes. Its type one, and sometimes it can be a pain.’

The little monster is shown asleep in the scene for a few seconds.

Voiceover: ‘Hello?..... Hey?......’

The little monster begins to stir.

Voiceover: ‘Wake up!’

The little monster wakes up startled. He’s on his feet looking around panicking.

Voiceover: ‘I need your help. We need to explain how I found you?...Got you?....Have you?’

The little monster looks at the camera with one eyebrow raised and his arms crossed.

Voiceover: ‘Oh come on. It’s not like I want you here either but we both have to deal with it.’

A train chair comes up from under the little monster, he sits down looking out of the window.

Voiceover: ‘It all started when I was 5, on the way to The Natural History Museum in London with my Mum.’

Suddenly the little monster is shown wearing an I love dinosaurs top.

Voiceover: ‘I kept eating and drinking a lot. She was starting to become worried.’

The scene begins to fill up with liquid (Coca-Cola)

The little monster grabs onto a passing sweet and uses it as a float.

Voiceover: ‘I’m sorry! I didn’t realise that was going to happen!’

The Coca-Cola begins to empty out of the scene. It swirls down into the floor, like a whirlpool. A museum set then fades into view.

The little monster then walks around the set although he is looking at what is around him.

A dinosaur cardboard cut out then pops up into the scene.

Voiceover: ‘It lasted all day and I kept needing to go to toilet.’

A dripping noise is heard.

The monster clicks his fingers. A toilet appears. The monster starts to walk over to it and it begins to move. The monster continues to chase it.

The little monster then runs left off camera following the toilet. A few seconds past and he comes back into shot, looking relieved.

Voiceover: ‘Better?’

The little monster looks at the camera and nods. He looks happier.

Voiceover: ‘Later that evening..’

The monster then walks towards the camera until the scene is black. The next scene then shows the little monster walking away from the camera, revealing the new environment. A scene is then shown at a doctor’s surgery. The environment is 2D with a 3D chair next to a desk.

Voiceover: ‘My Mum took me to the doctors, they tested me for a few things….’

A POV shot is shown from the monster's perspective as needles start flying towards him.

Voiceover: ‘The doctors said that I needed to go to the hospital and that we should pack my bags immediately.’

The little monster's environment fades around him until it is empty. From behind him he pulls out a suitcase.

Voiceover: ‘Have you got everything?’

The little monster nods. The camera zooms in to focus on his face. He begins to fall back. It is then shown that he is laying on a hospital bed.

Voiceover: ‘And that’s when we were told that I was type one diabetic.’

The little monster sits up on the hospital bed and looks at the camera, smiling.

Voiceover: ‘Diabetes is very interesting, it can be fun to have, but other times, it can be a pain.’

The little monster looks at the camera confused. Everything around him fades again until the environment is empty.

Voiceover: ‘Would you like to explain?’

The little monster looks annoyed, it turns around and sits down, facing away from the camera with his arms and legs crossed.

Voiceover: ‘Ok then. I guess I will.’

A sugary drink is lowered into the set, next to the little monster.

Voiceover: ‘It is hard to control your blood sugar levels sometimes when you have diabetes. Sometimes you can have hyperglycaemia which is when your blood sugar levels are high.’

The little monster sees the drink and gets excited. It stands up, runs over to the drink and drinks it very quickly.

Voiceover: ‘This is when there is too much sugar in your blood, which means you need to inject yourself with insulin’

An insulin pen and needle then appears into set with a puff of smoke. It has the characteristics of an aggressive dog. It starts to slowly move over to the monster.

Voiceover: ‘When you do this, the insulin begins to break down the sugar so that it can go to different parts of your body.’

The monster realises the insulin pen and starts to run away from it. For a few seconds the insulin pen chases the monster around the scene. After a while the insulin pen stops while the little monster runs around in circles.

Voiceover: ‘You know what will happen if you don’t have your injection after you’ve had a sugary drink...’

After a few more seconds the little monster stops looking scared. The insulting pen gives up, moving out of shot. The monster then stands in the middle of the scene.

Voiceover: ‘You can get really bad headaches.’

The little monster is shown holding his head in pain as the scene around him pounds in and out of the colour red to white.

Voiceover: ‘You can get extremely thirsty.’

The little monster looks at the camera, he still has one hand on his head, the other hand waves as though he is wanting something from above the camera. He then looks up and moves backwards as a bucket of water is poured into his mouth. 

Voiceover: ‘And then….. You guessed it…..’

After a few seconds the monster starts to hold its hands below its belly and move slightly. A toilet sign appears in a speech bubble above its head.

Voiceover: ‘Ok then, go quickly.’

The little monster runs to the back of the set behind an opaque screen. The outline of the little monster is shown as he sits down. The shape of the monster begins to change, it gets thinner after a few seconds. The sound of a toilet flushing is then heard. The little monster then runs out from behind the screen and back onto set.

Voiceover: ‘Better?’

The little monster nods.

Voiceover: ‘On the other hand, if your blood sugar levels go low, this is called hypoglycaemia.’

The monster’s colour then starts to drain from him.

Voiceover: ‘This is when you can start to feel faint, your legs can start to become weak…’

The little monster’s legs then start to shake.

Voiceover: ‘You can also become very irritable.. Are you okay?’

The little monster then looks angrily at the screen and starts to shout and stomp his feet.

Voiceover: ‘Wow, okay, okay. You just need some sugar. Here, have this.’

An energy drink is then thrown onto the set. The monster walks over to it and drinks it. After a few seconds his colour then starts to come back and he starts to smile.

Voiceover: ‘There you go, much better.’

The little monster then walks over to the camera and hugs it. He then goes back to the centre of the scene.

Voiceover: ‘Having both high and low blood sugar can be very dangerous. If both are left untreated then you can become very unwell and end up in hospital.’

The monster looks at the camera and starts to get worried.

Voiceover: ‘But as long as you look after yourself and check your blood sugar levels regularly….’

The little monster tests his blood sugar.

Voiceover: ‘Then you will stay fit and healthy.’

The little monster looks at the camera smiling and dancing.

Voiceover: ‘Oh is that the time? Time for lunch, let’s go and test my bloods. Come on diabetes.’

The little monster then walks up to the camera and waves. He then walks off camera and the scene fades out.


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