Major - Submission - Graduate Film: Little Monster

Major - Graduate Film: Little Monster - Post-Viz

Little Monster - Post-Viz

Lighting and Rendering Examples 

Art of - Little Monster

Character Turnaround

Asset Turnarounds

Little Monster

Little Monster is a short animated film about how I came to find out that I had type one diabetes at the age of five and how it effects me in my day-to-day life. I have personified type one diabetes as a monster as it can sometimes be very temperamental and cause a change in my overall health as well as mood. 
I have really enjoyed being able to create a short animation that is very personal to me, it has allowed me to express how type one diabetes makes me feel and I am hoping that when people are able to view the animation they will start to become more educated around type one diabetes and how they can help somebody treat a hypo (low blood glucose levels) or a hyper (high blood glucose levels).  

My goals were to create a short animated film that I believe expresses how I found out that I have type one diabetes and how it effects me in my day-to-day life. I also wanted the film to educated the viewers on type one diabetes and to also help them with spotting the signs that somebody with diabetes may have high or low blood sugar. I believe that I have achieved this in what I have created, this is as the film expresses what I designed in the animatic that I produced last year. One of my other goals was to also focus on characters and asset textures as this is one part of the project that I have grown more interested in during my time within the CAA course. I designed 'Diabetes' to be a character made out of Plasticine, as shown in my art of, and I feel as though I have successfully created that texture. I also included finger prints onto the character through bump maps to make the texture seem more realistic which I feel has increased the character's realism further. With the assets, I modelled each one using photographs that I have taken to ensure that they look as realistic as possible. For the smaller assets, such as the insulin pen, finger pricker and diabetes meter, I made sure to study each object's texture so that I was able to make them as life like as possible. I feel that I have also achieved this goal as I have successfully created the objects that have rendered correctly using Arnold. 

The agreed outcomes for the final project submission was to create completed and professional character turnarounds, this was to include the beauty, clay and wire frame pass that professionally transitioned from beauty to clay and then to the clay with the wire frame on top of it. There were to be asset turnarounds created too which also included the beauty, clay and wire frame turnarounds which was to be displayed and presented professionally. I was also told to upload the post-viz version of my film, which I have completed and displayed above, as well as the now completed production bible or 'Art of' PDF which I have also displayed above. We have been given the opportunity to render our final film after our deadline, meaning that rendered stills from our film, after each shot change, or in my case, after the character reaches different parts of the scene, will also be included to demonstrate lighting and positioning for the character. These are presented above in the lighting and rendering examples document on Issuu.
