Reflective Statement: After over a year of working on my graduate film I can now say that I have finished it and that I have also finished university. It is very strange to say as I have spent three years of my life working closely with friends and lecturers on animation and to now say that it has all come to an end is slightly daunting. Three years has flown by and although I have found some parts of university hard, I can say that I have enjoyed every minute of it. From learning new things, to meeting new and very talented people, this has all allowed for me to blossom as an artist and see who I am as an individual. A lot of hard work and time has gone into my graduate film, 'Little Monster' and although it is about something very personal to me, my type one diabetes, I am hoping that by creating this animation a lot more people will become educated around the disease and help anybody that they know that may be struggling with it. I am proud to be able to say that I have c...