Film review - Edward Sissorhands (1990)

Figure 1. Edward Sissorhands movie poster (1990) Released in 1990 and directed by Tim Burton, ' Edward Sissorhands' is a film about a man that has been constructed by an inventor (Vincent Price) in order to help with his work. One day, the inventor dies and Edward (played by Johnny Depp) is left by himself away from civilization. Later in the film an Avon worker called Peg (Played by Dianne Wiest) decides to travel up to Edward's house to promote her Avon products and this is where she stumbles across Edward. Edward is then taken down to the suburban world below by Peg where she tries to accept him into their community. Figure 2 . Edward Sissorhands house (1990) Figure 3. Edward Sissorhands town (1990) The town below is in complete contrast with Edward's house, which Tim Burton cleverly uses to show how he felt when he first worked for Disney as an animator. 'B urton, a misfit kid from California who took solace in drawing cartoons and watchin...