
Showing posts from April, 2019

Premise - Prop modelling - Doctor's desk (minus chair)


Premise - Prop modelling - Suitcase


Premise - Diabetes monster front and side view

I have now drawn the official front and side view for my diabetes monster. After following Alan's advice, I have increased the monster's size in the side view. This makes the monster seem more realistic proportions wise and cuter. 

@Alan Premise - Diabetes Monster rough front and side view

I can see from the image above that I need to work more on the character's side view as he is losing his 'egg' shaping but in doing this I have been able to understand how to correctly proportion the character's facial features, arms and legs. It has also helped me to understand how his facial features will look as they sit on his face from the side.

Premise - Diabetes monster outfit colours

After finalising the character design for the diabetes monster, I came up with a few colours that I believe would be suitable. I looked into colours like red to be suitable as the character relates to blood and blood sugar. I then moved on to look at brighter colours to see how I felt it would change the character. I also decided to experiment with how the blood sugar molecules could change on the outfit to relate to the character's blood sugar  (glucose)   levels. Once I had looked into that I then selected two of my favourite designs to see how they would look in detail. I also added a light blue colour to the 'L' on the gauge on his stomach to represent low blood sugar and red to the 'H' to show high blood sugar. I then experimented further with the amount and size of the sugar particles on the outfit. I believe that the red character is one of the strongest ones that I have drawn which is why I chose it to see how I could change it further t...

Premise - Final character design - Diabetes monster

For my Diabetes monster I came up with three different character designs. Thumbnail 1 show the character with long legs, thumbnail 2 shows the character with very short legs and thumbnail 3 shows him with medium length legs. I have been told that the stronger designs are thumbnails 1 and 3. This resulted in me selecting thumbnail 1 as my final design. Now I have officially chosen the design for the character, I will now look into how colour will play a part in showing his mood and character. I will also look at showing the texture on his outfit as sugar crystals which will increase in quantity the higher his blood sugar becomes and lower the lower it becomes. I will then also show his change in blood sugar through the gauge shown on the front of his outfit.  Alan also suggested that as I have nicknamed my character 'Betes' he could also have a 'Tinkerbell like' companion called Dia who floats about above or beside him, causing mischief. 

Premise - Further character design - Diabetes monster

Below are character designs that I completed today for my diabetes character. After speaking to Alan and listening to Phil's advise I decided to merge the character's head and body together so there is no neck. While I was drawing I also looked into how the arms and legs would be attached to the character and how the character's blood sugar levels could effect the character's colour, texture and sugar level gauge on his stomach.

@Alan Premise - Character design - Further face designs


Premise - Character designs - Face

In the facial designs for the character I have decided to add facial features such as a mouth and eyebrows to help show the character's emotion and to fit in well with the rest of the character's design. 

Premise - Diabetes character design - Body

Below are some character designs that I have created for the diabetes character looking at a similar style to UPA. I decided to go with face number 22 on the face design post. Arm designs: Leg designs:

@Phil Premise - Rough animatic

Here is the first version of my animatic. I have used a place holder character for the diabetes monster as I do not have a final design for him.

@Phil Premise - Script 6

Below is the 6th version of my script. I have looked more into the idea of writing a script that involves my Diabetes monster solely throughout. I like the idea of having the voice over and the character conversing.

Lip syncing- complete


Clay head modelling - Lesson 6

For our final clay head modelling session we looked at adding detail to the head such as eyelids, eyebrow and ears. I haven't finished the models ears yet but I hope to soon.

Premise - Prop design - Diabetes equipment

At the start of the animation I will roughly outline what diabetes is and further on in the animation it will show my character injecting and testing her blood sugar. Below are designs of my diabetes equipment, some of the thumbnails are realistic whereas others are simplified. Thumbnails 1,2 and 3 are my insulin pens that I use to inject my insulin into me. Thumbnails 4 and 5 are needles for those insulin pens. Number 6 and 9 and the parts I use to inject myself to test my blood glucose levels. Number 7, 8 and 10 are the machines used to specify why my blood  glucose levels are and number 11 is the pot with my blood testing glucose sticks which I apply the blood to. 

Premise - Scene and Prop design - On the train

In my project part of the story as to how I found out that I had Diabetes started on a train on the way to London with my Mum. Below are designs for both the seats on the train and the train environment. While researching, I also decided to draw two of the chairs that have been seen in UPA cartoons, these are thumbnails 6 and 7. I have also looked at different textures that could be used for the seats, these are thumbnails 8, 9 and 10. Seats on the train: On the train - scene:

Premise - Prop design - Food

In my premise project I am going to talk about how I found out that I had diabetes. One of the main factors that concerned my Mum, before she knew that I was diabetic, was the amount that I ate and drank. Below I have created some thumbnail designs for food and drink that could be used in my animation to show my Mum's concern. Drink: Food: Later on in the animation I will also speak about how testing my blood sugar and injecting myself in public can sometimes make me feel self-conscious as elder people tend to stare at me. This section will take part in a coffee shop so as a prop I will look at creating a tea or coffee cup. Some of the designs are shown in the thumbnails below.

Premise - Diabetes monster character faces

For the Diabetes monster's face I have decided to look into how the character's eyes, nose and mouth could differentiate and also how the character's mood or blood glucose levels could effect its colour. I currently like the idea that the character has minimal facial features such as thumbnail 22 and 24. I am looking at making it so the character is relatable so it will look similar to a human but not completely.